Synth Site |  Cheetah |  MQ8

  MQ8 At a Glance
Picture needed arrowReleased: Early 90s (I think)  Specifications
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Steve Blakemore writes:
This is a bizarre piece of kit. The makers had a brief spell in the late 80s & early 90s making synth modules, samplers and master keyboards.

But I reckon this is the wierdest of them all!

It is basically a hardware sequencer. It was released around the same time as the Alesis MMT8, and was clearly redesigned at the last minute to look like it - the manual shows a completely different looking piece of kit! You need an IQ of about 200 plus to actually use the darn thing. But it does have one really deeply groovy feature. You can set it up to to MIDI echoes. You can take any of your recorded sequences and make the sequencer reproduce it at the pitch of any key you put into the MIDI in. It is realy simple to make up huge canonical structures and wierd, off the wall soundscapes. I have two of these. If you see one at a knockdown price, buy it. It could just be the tool to get you inspired again.

And, of course, with two MIDI ins, you get a cheap midi merge box. YOu may find it worth buying it for that alone.

Comments About the Sounds:

(Thanks to Steve Blakemore for this info.)

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