NAMM 2015: Vo 96 Guitar Synthesizer and Vo Wand In Action

We caught up with Paul Vo who showed off the Vo 96 and new Vo Wand   05-Feb-15

   3:56 mins    

In 2013 Paul Vo absolutely smashed his Kickstarter target of $50,000 to produce his Vo 96 Acoustic Synthesizer.

Raising $120,000 the Vo 96 is now available to the public, and was demonstrated at the NAMM Show in Anaheim, California, this year.

Along with the Vo 96, the Vo Wand is also nearly ready for release.

Using the same technology as the acoustic synthesizer, the wand is used in much the same way as an Ebow, but the expression is all in how hard you pinch the device between your thumb and your finger.

It also communicates with you to tell you when you are directly hovering over a string by vibrating, so you won't need to constantly look at your right hand when using the Wand.

Paul Vo gives us a demonstration in the video above.

Filmed and edited by Rob Hicks
Presented by Richard Beech

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