WNAMM07:Latest Videos Online

US Something for the weekend sir?      19/01/07

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Here's our latest crop of videos from the show floor. guarenteed first online with video action from the first few days of NAMM07. Check out the growing number of hot products and watch all new presentations from Alesis, Korg, Roland, Muse and Numark to name but a few. Our video team are never far from the bar - I mean - the action, so keep it locked to Sonic for the latest updates!

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With Divkid, Gaz and Richard Nicol

Sampler Composer

MPC meets Linn, Ticketmaster monopoly

Presentation: Bitwig Studio 5.2 Update - In depth 

New Compressor, EQ, precision editing, and more

Never too old for techno

MORE Home Keyboards that are Actually AWESOME Synths! 

Not somewhere you usually look...