SUPERBOOTH 2024: Timeless Garden - Horizon Experimental Synth

US Two Wing Pingers join forces in this experimental synth      18/05/24

At Superbooth 2024, Sonic State got a sneak peek at the Horizon, a new collaborative instrument by Trent from Timeless Garden and the developer of the Wing Pinger. The Horizon features a resonator system built around the Wing Pinger device, with delays, a filter bank, and a touch sequencer/play surface to tie it all together. The unique design of the Horizon allows for exploration and inspiration, offering both melodic and experimental sound possibilities.

Trent demonstrated the capabilities of the Horizon, showcasing its ability to create strange and interesting sounds through feedback, FM modulation, and stepped modulation effects. The touch sequencer enables users to create melodies with variable step lengths and pitch quantization controlled by sliders. With analog signal processing and rich bucket brigade delay sound, the Horizon offers a unique sonic experience for musicians looking to push the boundaries of traditional synthesis. Stay tuned for the release of the Horizon in 2024, with an estimated price range between one and two thousand US dollars. For more information on the Horizon visit the link below:



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