SUPERBOOTH 2024: Supercritical - Redshift 6 Polysynth

US Six part multitimbral plysynth      18/05/24

At Superbooth 2024, Timo from Supercritical showcased the Redshift 6, an analog polysynth with six voices. The Redshift 6 features a versatile Demon Core DCO design that allows for up to 16 notes to be played simultaneously. The synth offers a range of engines, unique sync tricks for creating complex, polyphonic sounds, and it's 6 part multitimbral. The filter section boasts a multimode filter engine with customizable character settings and a phaser engine for classic phaser effects.

In addition to its powerful sound engine, the Redshift 6 includes a stereo mix bus with per-voice panning and a digital effects section with delay, chorus, and reverb (expected in future updates). It's all analog until the bypassable stereo DSP effects processor.

Redshift 6 Available for pre-order. Price 1,259 Euros




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