More AlphaTrack And TranzPort Versatility

US Frontier Design DAW Controllers add new application support      18/06/07

More AlphaTrack And TranzPort Versatility

Frontier Design Group have been in touch to tell us that they have added Adobe’s Audition 2.0 to the growing list of applications that support its AlphaTrack controller, including Digidesign’s ProTools, Cakewalk’s SONAR, Steinberg’s Cubase SX/SL and Nuendo and Cubase 4 (including Studio 4), Apple’s Final Cut Pro and Soundtrack Pro, Propellerhead’s Reason, and MOTU’s Digital Performer. Also, the SONAR and Cubase plug-ins for AlphaTrack have been updated to provide additional functionality with those applications. For example, with the updated plug-ins, pressing shift while tapping AlphaTrack’s touch-strip enables audible scrub/shuttle without changing modes.
The company also tell us that MultitrackStudio 4 now supports its TranzPort wireless remote controller. MultitrackStudio (from Bremmers Audio Design in the Netherlands) is an audio/MIDI multitrack recording application for Windows, which combines a multitrack recorder, a mixer, lots of effects, and a MIDI sequencer in one package. More information about using TranzPort with MultitrackStudio is available on the Frontier Design Group website.
About AlphaTrack
AlphaTrack is a compact controller for DAW mixing and editing, which fits easily on the desktop and can also travel with a laptop. AlphaTrack has a 100mm touch-sensitive fader, a unique touch-sensitive jog/shuttle strip, and three touch-sensitive encoders for quick control of pans, sends, EQ, plug-ins, and automation. AlphaTrack also has standard transport controls, a set of user-definable buttons and a footswitch input for easy punch-in recording. AlphaTrack runs in Windows XP and Mac OS X (including Intel Macs), and connects to the computer using just a single USB cable.
About TranzPort
TranzPort is a wireless remote controller for DAWs running ProTools, SONAR, Logic, Cubase, Digital Performer and other applications in Windows 2000/XP and Mac OS X. TranzPort lets you arm tracks, use transport controls, set markers, adjust pans, punch in/out, and display signal levels, timecode position, track names and more. TranzPort has a footswitch input, runs on AA batteries, requires one USB port, and uses high frequency radio waves (RF) without causing interference. TranzPort can be mounted on a mic stand or even used in another room, so you can control your DAW while being physically away from the computer.
Pricing and Availability:
AlphaTrack MSRP $249
TranzPort MSRP $249
More information:

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