Podcast: Sonic TALK 603 - Don't Diss My Dust

US NAMM, Wavestate, Roland and back pain      09/01/20

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68:15 mins


  • Rich Hilton - Nile Rodgers Studio guy, keyboards for Chic
  • Ty Unwin- media composer, producer, orchestrator

iZotope Neutron 3WIN iZOTOPE OZONE 9 Advanced - Tweet #2020audiovision #ozone9 to @sonicstate @iZotopeinc Building on a 17-year legacy, Ozone 9 brings balance to your music with the latest advances in machine learning for mastering audio.



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Please check out our new Freeze Machines Racks for Ableton Live - lush, atmospheric frozen reverb textures:

Notes:Freeze Machines from Sonicstate

00:00 hellos and preamble
07:30 NAMM
08:20 Korg Wavestate
21:30 oops
22:30 Korg SV-2 and pianos
25:30 Splice.com offer (see below for special link and promo code)
27:00 Korg PS3300
29:30 Back pain and chairs (https://shop.carltatzdesign.com/category-s/104.htm_
39:45 iZotope Ozone 9 competition
42:00 The quiz recap
46:50 Roland A-88 MK2 controller
57:57 Roland GO:LiveCast
01:02:00 Wrap

Where to Watch/Listen - We now stream the live show to Youtube LiveFacebook Live as well as at Sonicstate.com/live every Weds at 4pm UK time- please do join in. You can also download the audio version from iTunes



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