Sonic State SNAMM 2002 News

Full Youtube SNAMM 2002 Playlist

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The biggest show of the year, held in sunny Anaheim, next to Disneyland in California. As well as a great dose of winter sun (if the weather holds) we get to see all the latest gear across music tech, guitars and DJ

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5 Minutes With: Korg Odyssey Module 

And Chris from Boo Electric

5 Minutes With: Modal Argon 8 M As Drum Synth 

Wavetable workout from Paulee Bow

SonicLAB: Synthmaster Version 3.0 Presentation 

We talk to the dev and have a look at the new stuff

Rapman, Microwave, Trace and Ringtones

SonicLAB: Tetrachords 4 Track Poly Sequencer Review - Part 1 

Complex arrangements with musical rules

SonicLAB: PWM Mantis Hybrid Synthesizer Review 

Chris Huggett designed