You know Reactable... ? Do you remember AudioMulch? We'll these non-linear DAWs represent the sheer joy of making music without the view of a left to right progression through the track - offering an experience which is aimed to be more sound than visual focused. MIDINOUS is along the same lines, a non-linear MIDI Sequencer which can be both the focus of, or the sidekick to a track. Looks great, here's more...
Midinous is a non-linear MIDI sequencer for use with your favorite audio device or software. Run it through your DAW or send it out to your hardware, Midinous can act as your personal jam partner, or an idea machine. Non-musicians and skilled setups can get an equal amount of creativity out of Midinous.
Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI) is the technical standard Midinous adopts to send data to other applications (usually, but not limited to, Digital Audio Workstations (DAWs)). Although Midinous can make simple sounds on its own, it is best used with a DAW.
Grid Based Editing
Midinous works on a grid system where the distance between each tile is a quarter note. Arrange objects called 'Points' and connect them together with 'Paths' to quickly create complex looping or branching sequences of MIDI data. Branch to points randomly or instantly, split signals, or have signals travel in order of Path creation. Turn snapping mode off for complex rhythms and odd timing!
Customization and Accessibility
Most keyboard controls have been made accessible by way of remapping, and the interface can be recolored as desired. Make Midinous as friendly as it needs to be.
"Infinite" Canvas
Midinous provides a virtually infinite scrollable canvas for creations. Though technically not limitless, Midinous can support your wildest creations with full support for scrolling, panning, and zoom.
Scale Snapping
With Midinous' scale snapping functionality, set a group of Points to a certain scale, or ensure the entire project aligns with a desired mode. Choose a key and a scale to quickly change the way a sequence sounds.
Relative Signals
Carry MIDI data across multiple pathways with relative assignments for every attribute a Point object may have, such as MIDI Note, Channel, Velocity, Duration, and more. Good for ascending sequences and arpeggios.
Dunno what MIDI is? You don't have to! Use the internal synth controls for some basic chiptune-esque sounds rendered in real time. Midinous doesn't require 3rd party software to route MIDI. Open Midinous and you'll be able to see its ports as if it was any other controller.
Try the free demo today:
About the author [midierror]: midierror makes nifty Max For Live devices, innovative music hardware, award winning sample packs and hosts a podcast speaking to people in the music world.
Complex arrangements with musical rules