Dillon Bastan has released a new Max for Live device, Natural Selection S, which aims to enrich the Ableton Live environment with nature-inspired sounds and functionalities. A spokesperson told us, "This tool is designed to blend seamlessly into electronic music production workflows, offering a unique sonic palette drawn from the natural world." Here's more details direct from the developer...
Natural Selection explores an evolutionary process with sound design! It treats the parameter values of presets as DNA values which are mixed together and mutated over generations to create new sounds. You play the role of the environment, selecting preferable sounds to continue to pass their DNA to the next generations. And over the generations the sound will evolve closer to your preferences. Sound design with your sonic intuition, without even touching the synth parameters (unless you want to;))! There are two versions of Natural Selection. This device, Natural Selection S, can mix and mutate presets of an internal versatile poly synthesizer (also an internal rhythm/note generator and FX chain) to discover new sounds and combinations. Check out the features and videos below to understand more about the internal synth and the evolution system!
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