Gotharman's have released details of a prototype Eurorack module called Touch Tuul. This is not the maverick inventor's first foray into modular - a number of interesting filter and effects modules already exist, but it does seem to be the first "meta"-style Gotharman module that we've seen.
By "meta" we mean capable of many functions - the specs mention oscillators, sequencing, cv processing, filters and effects! Therefore, a complete synthesizer in itself that might perform one or many functions within a modular ecosystem. We've seen standalone grooveboxes with CV connectivity from Gotharman's before, but now you can put one in your rack. Here's the specs:
-4 channels.
-Each channel has one main function and one utility function.
-Any function can be selected for any channel.
-Each of the four Main functions can be: Oscillator/LFO, Dual Filter, Effects Processor, CV controlled Mixer.
-Each of the four Utility functions can be: Touch screen keyboard, Sequencer, Draw Wave Modulator.
-CV recording is possible into the Draw Wave Modulators.-Four 24 bit audio/trigger/clock inputs.
-Four 16 bit high precision CV/gate/clock inputs.
-Four 16 bit audio/CV/gate/clock outputs.
-Two 12 bit audio/CV/gate/clock outputs.
-Two gate/clock/Squarewave outputs *1.
-MIDI in and out for clock, notes, CC's and updates.-Two push buttons for sequencer start/stop, parameter selection, Channel select, and for entering and exiting the Menu page.
-Four analog high quality metal potentiometers for editing parameters.-4.3" multi-touch, color, touch display.
-Very few pages, for fast navigation: One main page, one menu page and one preset page.
-1024 presets can be stored and instantly recalled.
General structure:
-All channels can be connected both internally and externally (via mini-jacks).
-All modulation inputs runs in audio range.Oscillators:
-Wave (morph from sine to triangle to saw to square to feed waves), FOF and Cymbal types.
-Pitch, Shape, PW and Fold can be set and modulated.
-1V/Oct input.
-Glide (Portamento).
-Low frequency LFO modes.Filters:
-2 x BPF, LPF and HPF in parallel, HPF into LPF types.
-Sharp filter modes.
-Cutoff 1, Cutoff 2 and Resonance can be set and modulated (two sources for each cutoff).Effects:
-Distortion (Valve, Sine, Fuzz, Xdis, Asum, Curve)
-Bit Crusher
-Saw Animator
-Reso EQ
-Comb filter
-Compressor (with side chain)
-SamplePitch2 (only channel 3 and 4)
-PitchShaper (only channel 3 and 4)
-PitchShaper2 (only channel 3 and 4)
-Pitch Shifter (only channel 3 and 4)
-Stretcher (only channel 3 and 4)
-Mod Delay (only channel 3 and 4)
-Different parameters can be set and modulated for each effect.Touch Screen Keyboard:
-1, 2 or 3 octaves.
Step Sequencer:
-Up to 16 steps.
-BPM, last step, resolution and note spread can be set and modulated.
-Syncs to analog signals and MIDI.
-Send sync clocks as analog signals and MIDI.Draw wave modulators:
-Start step and length (up to 64 steps) can be set and modulated.
-Rate and playback curve can be set and modulated.
-Can be reset via a pulse.
-Sends out a pulse, when reset.
-Can be recorded via the inputs.*1: Output 8 is a shared gate and MIDI output.
Read more on Gotharman's Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100047209874984
Posted by MagicalSynthAdventure an expert in synthesis technology from last Century and Amiga enthusiast.
Complex arrangements with musical rules