US Analogue microtonal drone machine taking pre-orders      31/07/24

We've covered the ELTA Music range of ambient drone synths a number of times, most recently at Superbooth 2024, which is shared below. The SOLAR 42F is now open for pre-orders and comes with a cartridge kit (12 cartridges) + 1 new card entitled, as well as some stickers and patch leads. Pre-orders paid in July-August will be shipped in October-November. Here's our look at the sybnth: 


More details on the video:

Improvisation at sunset in the mountains of Italy. 

This improvisation was played without rehearsal, from the first take, after switching on the synthesiser. 
SOLAR 42F is a unique experimental electro-music instrument, an analogue microtonal ambient drone machine. It will inspire you to find a new and spontaneous approach to composing music. 

The instrument is oriented for live performances, creating film soundtracks, theatre soundtracks, atmospheric sounds, microtonal and background music.  It is an improved version of the older SOLAR 50 model. The instrument was inspired by early electronic musical instruments of the 1920s and 1950s, notably Leo Theremin's «Harmonium» instrument, as well as science fiction film soundtracks. 


ELTA Music Webiste: https://www.eltamusic.com/product-page/solar42


About the author [midierror]: midierror makes nifty Max For Live devices, innovative music hardware, award winning sample packs and hosts a podcast speaking to people in the music world.

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