At Superbooth 2023, spoke to Chris Barth, representing Raw Yaw Media, about the three modules the company has on show. First up is the Dizigo, a digital oscillator with two voices - one based on square wave FM synthesis and the other on sine wave phase modulation. It has a modulation depth knob for different pitch shifting and a frequency knob that affects the FM modulator oscillator. The second module is Taurus, an overdub looper that is currently in beta. It features pattern chaining behaviors, different pitch shifting techniques, and a harmonic knob that influences the recorded buffer. Taurus supports up to 16 note steps, with the harmonic knob allowing users to play those notes at different speeds. It also offers clock in and out, reset gate out, and up to an 8x clock multiplier. Lastly, Monolith is a digital reverb with pitch shifting based on exponential FM.
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