We spoke to Ronald from Sleepy Circuits at their first Superbooth about Hypno, an all-in-one semi-modular video synthesizer. Ronald aims to get as many people as possible into visuals and solve the problem of having to use multiple boxes. The Hypno does everything from live camera inputs to sampling video, including generative visuals. The device has two sides, A and B, with frequency, rotation, polarization, and Y offset on some shapes. There is a feedback control that zooms in the feedback, providing pseudo 3D effects, and five different feedback modes. The device has an internal patching system with modulation that allows for cross-modulation and the ability to affect the magnitude of that modulation. There are regular Euro rack range CV inputs and outputs that enable synthesizing video as well as audio for a synaesthetic effect.
The device has a USB port that enables you to store and recall preset patches and navigate folders of video loops. You can also take one shape out, allowing for the addition of video loops, and a help text feature to navigate files.
Hypno Price: $620 Assembled (CM4-WS Pi) | $520 No-Pi Assembled