Sonic LAB: Patching Concepts With The Moog Matriarch

US Attenuverters are the key      01/09/20

We recently reviewed the Moog Matriarch for Sonic LAB - the semi-modular four oscillator paraphonic synthesizer with stereo filter and delay.

Modular specialist Edd Butterworth also got his hands on it and explored the patching concepts made possible by the inclusion of the 3 attenuverters. Often in semi-modular synths, these are overlooked, but can often unlock more complex and creative techniques for the synthesist.

The patching that they allow opens up the power of modular synthesise and are used by Edd to introduce some interesting patching concepts that can be used in any synthesis environment.

See our Sonic LAB review here:


Moog Social

< More From: MOOG
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