Free Sound Pack Of Tape Collages

US Puremagnetik releases Kleine Stücke - 20 textural pieces by Berlin-based producer HAND      18/06/19

Free Sound Pack Of Tape Collages

Puremagnetik tells us that Kleine Stücke is a collection of small sketches and experiments by Berlin-based producer HAND. They tell us that master of analog tape sound design, HAND, has generously made available to Puremagnetik a collection of over 20 textural pieces for sound artists and music producers to use - royalty free - in their work.

A spokesperson said, "HAND's album Reveal, out now on Puremagnetik Tapes, represents a refined vision of his vast work with tape loops and analog sound processing. It is a unique balance of classic ambient music, sounds and musical figures that touch the edge of melody and harmony, and a just-above-subliminal pulse. Kleine Stücke encapsulates the fundamentals of his aesthetic and makes the sounds available for public use."

License and Format
Kleine Stücke contains audio (.wav) files that can be opened in any audio editor or workstation host and is distributed under Creative Commons BY 4.0 License

Minimum Requirements
• OSX 10.8 or Windows 10 x64
• Audio Host or Editor

Pricing and Availability:
Kleine Stücke is free to download

More information:



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