TC Electronic has announced Clarity M Stereo, which they describe as a hardware meter with a very appealing price tag.
Leon Mortensen, TC's R&D manager, told us, "Keeping your loudness, peaks and balances in check is vital for both pro and home studios. With Clarity M Stereo all essential mix data is just a glance away."
Here's more from TC Electronic...
Designed to provide insight into the fundamentals of your mix, Clarity M Stereo is filled to the brim with all the dedicated stereo features, meters and visualization tools known from the classic Clarity M.
On top of flexible connectivity and a fast offline mode, it sports a wealth of music tools to analyze your mix for phase, balances, frequency distribution, loudness, clipping and mono compatibility.
Paired with its sturdy 7-inch display, seamless DAW integration and presets, that help you prepare your audio for streaming and broadcast, this makes Clarity M Stereo a solid addition to any console, home studio or mixing desk.
Clarity M Stereo features
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