Behringer Reveals M100 Synth Plans

US 13 initial drafts of the new Eurorack modules have been posted for you to check out      23/04/18

Behringer Reveals M100 Synth Plans

Following on from our previous post, Uli Behringer has been posting more about his company's plans for their M100 Eurorack Series over on the Gearslutz forum. He has posted 13 initial drafts in pdf format and had this to say about them,

"I like to share with you the initial drafts of our M100 Eurorack Series. These are 13 MID's or concept documents we create for every single product as part of our PLM (Product Lifecycle Management) process before we hand them over to our R&D departments for development. We haven't decided yet which of these modules we will actually produce as it is important that we achieve a certain production volume. As usual do we appreciate your valuable feedback which will give a better indication of validity of these products."

"Over the past years we have repeatedly been asked to revive the 100m system and offer it at an affordable price. Since we do listen to customers, it was clear that the 100m would be our first step into the Eurorack market. We haven't decided yet which modules we will be making as this will become clearer at a later stage once we have more customer feedback. This is just the beginning and our Vision is to build both legacy modules but also come up with innovative solutions which we have demonstrated with the DeepMind or the Neutron."

You can see Uri's post with the inital drafts here.



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