NAMM 2017: Qu-bit Electronix New Modules

US Andrew Ikenberry takes us through their offerings for 2017      19/01/17

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Qu-bit Electronix were eager to show us through their latest modules which will all be available later this year.

First up it was the Tone module, a four channel analogue filter module with cv over the frequency of each filter, band pass and low pass outputs. £299

Then we took a look at Chance, a random voltage generator. Price TBA

Contour was up next, a four channel attack decay envelope with some interesting features for triggering each envelope at the end of release. Available from next week at £279

Finally it was the Mixology, which we actually had a look at last year but has gone through some slight changes. Available late feb, price TBA.

More info at Qu-bit Electronix


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