Sequential Pro-1 Emulation Is On Its Way

US U-He releases the public beta for Repro-1      03/11/16

Sequential Pro-1 Emulation Is On Its Way

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U-He tells us that they have started the public beta for Repro-1, which they describe as a precise emulation of a vintage monosynth, recreated with all the raw personality and quirks of the original, but with a charm all of its own.

A spokesperson told us, "Repro-1 follows in the footsteps of Diva--striving for authentic analogue sound--but attains new levels of accuracy with component-level modelling. We worked hard to capture the behaviour and the aggressive sound of the original. And a few extra additions so Repro-1 fits in with modern workflows. Like the original, Repro-1 is a fierce synth: hard working, raw sounding and immensely playable."

Pricing and Availability:
The public Beta is a free download but you can purchase Repro-1 with a 30% introductory discount during the public beta period

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