This year is the first year of the Superbooth show - which started as a large collection of booths at Musik Messe, and also appeared at NAMM too. We'll be posting photos and findings from the show as we wander the delightful halls of the 1950 German Broadcast building that is the Funkhaus.
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02/04 15:49
Mr Schneiders is the man
01/04 20:30
Crazy mechanical kit triggers
01/04 18:38
Studio Electronics on the house
01/04 17:41
New modules from Sonic Potions. Video coming soon!
01/04 17:37
sonic-dayinthelife :
@ericasynths Pico range adds a massive amount of functionality and sound into a tiny amount of space! Video coming soon.
01/04 16:05
01/04 15:17
Is the details in this building
01/04 15:16
Mr Dave Smith
01/04 14:07
Morning in the lobby
01/04 13:46
Good morning Moon
01/04 13:35
Just look at this place
01/04 13:34
Analogue solutions
01/04 13:31
A hearty breakfast of rendering and cola
31/03 23:40
sonic-dayinthelife :
Jurgen Michaelis of Jomox showing off his crazy experimental controller.
31/03 21:20
All the power
31/03 20:04
Our lovely office
31/03 20:03
Nice pair of Schmidts
31/03 20:02
Moog have a strangely spiritual space in one of the medium sized live rooms
31/03 20:01
sonic-dayinthelife :
Beautiful looking synth from ex Native Instruments guys Non Linear Labs.
31/03 19:09
I don’t think absinthe is such a good idea. During the day anyhow
31/03 17:57
sonic-dayinthelife :
@colinbenders going wild on the doepfer booth!
31/03 12:50
En route on the ferry
31/03 11:54
We’re on the Super Booth love boat
30/03 21:00
30/03 21:00
This place is insane. In the middle of an industrial waste land
30/03 21:00
Our hotel. We’re on the 19 th floor. Used to be that every room was bugged before unification.
30/03 21:00
Sooner booth power
30/03 12:03
And we’re off
24/03 13:55
One of the lovely halls at Funkhaus
22/03 17:56
Superbooth 2016 - from the Funkhaus Berlin March 30th- April 2nd