Two Days To Save On iZotope Breaktweaker

US 50 bucks off before end of July      30/07/14

Quick! iZotope's Breaktweaker - the drum instrument designed by glitch king BT and made by iZotope, is on offer for one more day.

Breaktweaker features a MicroEdit engine allowing granular control of beats and voices - or indeed your own samples if you desire.

You can get it till end of play tomorrow for a reduced price of $199 - usual price $249.


  • Glitch and revolutionize any drum sample or rhythm with hi-res pitch, arp, and texture control-all the way down to a micro-slice level.
  • Take a wild ride through the audio space/time continuum by dividing a single sequenced event into up to thousands of unique slices that pulse with sonic movement, as defined by Division, Pitch, Time or Speed.
  • Create the most unique drum sound you've ever heard: add tension, slopes and curves to shape the contour and rotation of the slices, then apply additional FX.
  • Quickly change the entire sound of a beat with the Randomize feature, which automatically MicroEdits the selected step in your Sequencer pattern.


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