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Two Days To Save On iZotope Breaktweaker
50 bucks off before end of July 30/07/14
Quick! iZotope's Breaktweaker - the drum instrument designed by glitch king BT and made by iZotope, is on offer for one more day.
Breaktweaker features a MicroEdit engine allowing granular control of beats and voices - or indeed your own samples if you desire.
You can get it till end of play tomorrow for a reduced price of $199 - usual price $249.
Glitch and revolutionize any drum sample or rhythm with hi-res pitch, arp, and texture control-all the way down to a micro-slice level.
Take a wild ride through the audio space/time continuum by dividing a single sequenced event into up to thousands of unique slices that pulse with sonic movement, as defined by Division, Pitch, Time or Speed.
Create the most unique drum sound you've ever heard: add tension, slopes and curves to shape the contour and rotation of the slices, then apply additional FX.
Quickly change the entire sound of a beat with the Randomize feature, which automatically MicroEdits the selected step in your Sequencer pattern.