MESSE 2014: SM Pro Audio uMix Stagebox Wifi Control From Anywhere

US New mixer series ups the game      11/03/14
   15:3 mins    

We saw an impressive demo of the SM Pro Audio uMix system. Its bascially an entire digital mixer and Wifi router in a stage box. Starting with 8 channels the system comes in 12, 16 24 channel options.

All the mic preamps are remote - meaning input gains are all set via the wifi accessible web app. What makes this really interesting is the fact the entire interface runs in HTML5 so pretty much any device can access it.

Indeed, multiple web browsers can access the same device so you could have a screen for levels, a screen for AUX mixes, effects etc.

Simple but effective. From what we saw today, the interface does appear to be responsive enough for proper control.

We can see a lot of applications for this setup, FOH for small band, monitors, submix, in-ears - all sorts.

Additional uMiX Product information:

Delivering the benefits of digital mixing at affordable price points, uMiX features a pristine 56-bit double precision audio signal path with detailed Parametric EQ, Dynamics, and digital FX available on all channels. All uMiX models include an on board secure Wi-Fi and Ethernet router and remote microphone preamps providing a truly out of the box remote mixing solution. Built for both desktop and touch devices, uMiX brings remote access, multi-touch, key commands, and an intuitive GUI with the look and feel of a hardware mixer.

uMiX series features


  • Built in router (Wi-Fi and ethernet)
  • Remote microphone preamps
  • Wide device support
  • Scalable - Link 2 x uMiX24 units with one Cat 5 cable for a total of 48 inputs
  • Optional multi-track recording expansion card is available for the uMiX 16 and 24
  • One Touch stereo recording. No Dock required
  • Media Player for background music or backing tracks
  • Fully featured software interface
  • HDMI display output

Starting at 199 Euros for the 8 channel system its certainly affordable.

You can test the software online  too as it runs in the browser. I've been assured that you aren't messing with anyone's mix! Although its all password protected anyhow...


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