MacBeth Nexus 1 - Demo Before Manufacture - Its Dark

US Ken goes film noir and moody      15/11/13

MacBeth Nexus 1 - Demo Before Manufacture - Its Dark

Ken Mac Beth is working on a new synth - Nexus a touch keyboard analogue synth with 3 Oscillators - I've seen a photo of it housed in a brief case - so he already has my attention - Synth/Luggage combination a surefire winner..

Its thought the Nexus 1 (maybe there will be more like the Google phone) will cost around £2.5k.

Ken has posted this final act demo - with a moody B&W set - very Berlin..

Here's what Ken has to say:

'Hi All, well for those following my up and coming next *new* synth- the Nexus- I have spent just over a week working with some slight changes here and there, as well as a couple of circuits too. Basically, all that I have designed so far is top. I have been working most of the last couple of days, now applying what I've designed into the layout of the PCBs and front panel. Over today, I've just let this thing run it's self in the background. I must say, it's been playing some of the most depressing sounds that I've heard in a long time. Melancholics will delight! This thing is coming straight out of the cold war!'


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