Soundiron has announced the The B Sale with discounts on sample collections until May 2nd. Here's the details in their own words:
The Bamboo Collection features all three of our exceptional bamboo instrument libraries - Angklung, Bamblong and the classic Bamboo Stick Ensemble. The combo includes nearly 10,000 samples and over 5GB of content. Individually priced at $167, you can bundle all three together ON SALE now for only $84 through May 2nd!
Breaker is all about the breakbeat, DIY-style. This hi-fi/lo-fi old/new school bastard was born to be broken, bruised, smashed, pumped, slammed, smeared, blown-out and beat to hell. It includes dozens of instruments, with 1464 Samples. Normally priced at $39, you can get it ON SALE now for only $27 through May 2nd!
Bronze Bin is a cool little metal tuned and untuned percussion and atmospheric library with unique resonance and tons of playability. Multisampled with fingers, mallets and sticks to get a wide variety of articulations, with performance shaping, custom impulses & more. Normally priced at at $15, you can get it ON SALE now for only $10 through May 2nd!
Bizarre Sitar is a mini sitar from the streets of Mumbai. We captured strums, plucks and ambient drones with this little stringed treasure and programmed it into an easy-to-use interface with plenty of advanced control options and total playability. Nearly 1.7GB and normally priced at at $39, you can get it ON SALE now for only $27 through April. 4th!
Bowed Bucket Bass is custom-built from a 5 gallon plastic bucket, a wooden 4×4 and some cello strings. We bowed it, plucked it, struck it with drumsticks and then programmed the whole thing into a stand-alone bucket band, including a variety of playable atmospheric pads and tones to bring out the full creative potential of this little odd contraption. Normally priced at at $29, you can get it ON SALE now for only $19 through May 2nd!
Bamboo Stick Ensemble is a classic scoring workhorse that captures the tight, powerful clack of long, heavy raw bamboo poles. Played more as weapons than instruments, we struck, clashed, bent, dragged, scraped and pounded them into splinters, with solo and ensemble articulations. The library also features haunting drones, screeches, roars and nightmarish horn wails created by brutally grinding the resonant bamboo against stone. Normally priced at at $39, you can get it ON SALE now for only $27 through May 2nd!
Pricing and Availability:
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