If you, like me, have been wondering what's going on with the Studiologic Sledge synthesizer - the impossibly yellow, Waldorf Blofeld powered, large format synthesizer with proper big knobs on, that I got so excited about post Musik Messe (how about a reply to my emails guys?). You might occaisionally take a search around youtube to see if there's been anything posted.
Well good news folks, this demo of sounds with some slow product image pans showed up, as posted by Studio Logic themselves.
I can only assume that this must mean that we might be seeing it for real sometime soon. I do hope so, I'm gagging to take a look. I know there's not much new in terms of synthesizer engine, but the large format control options and integrated hardware are what I like the look of. And indeed when I had a few private moments with it and a pair of headphones at Messe - I was hooked.
Bring it on - will you be looking forward to getting your hands on one?