WNAMM11: Softube TSAR-1 Reverb Plug

US Simple, rich and deep is how they roll      24/01/11

Sorry this is a flash video which has been depreciated, we're working on bringing the archives back online.

   5:0 mins

Softube make some really tasty plug-ins - a wide range of modeled classic dynamics, EQ and processors. The TSAR-1 (True Stereo Algorithm Reverb)

" is not an emulation. It's not a stock design. It's not a static snapshot of a space. The TSAR-1 is a powerful, modern reverb algorithm. It's alive and vibrant, it's gentle and dreamy, and above all - it's natural and believable. The TSAR-1 is the better-sounding alternative to the established, traditional reverb products. "



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