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65:44 mins |
Everyone is dropping like flies, lots of nasty illnesses about this week, so our best wishes go out to GForce Chris, Noneric and any others who are suffering. However our hardy participants this week are Rich Hilton -prestigious producer, engineer and player from camp Rodgers, Emmy winning composer from Minneapolis PJ Tracy, and the intrepid instrument maker from GForce Software Dave Spiers.
To kick things off, we get the inside scoop on how the Andromeda Space Rockers were named, then we're into topics proper with the brilliant video feature from Rockeboom on the Autotune meme featuring Wierd Al Yankovic, the recently announced MOTU Ultralite MK3 - with both USB and Firewire gets a mention, followed by the search for the perfect Kick drum. We remain downstairs with the use of feet in music and controllers, then the final topic is reserved for the brilliant BBC4 Documentary on Krautrock, from the same team who brought you Synth Britannia.
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