Podcast: Sonic TALK118 - Michael Jacksons Swarovski Socks

US Muzak in the toilet, Madge kerching, to digeridoo or digeridon't, 3D      18/02/09

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12:49 mins

The snowdrops are out in force in the woodlands around Bath, does this mean Spring is in the air? I do hope so... Joining me on the line from across the water is Rich Hilton - who's waiting patiently for the arrival of if Digidesign cards to complete the setup of his new HD ProTools rig for use in the studio with Nile Rodgers, Dave Spiers - from GForce Software who has his eye on the Jacksons stretch Rolls Royce thats currently up for auction, and Mark Tinley taking a break from promoting his new book, The Logic Of Attraction. After wondering where the EMS Synthi 100 system will go that's currently on eBay, and the items for sale in the Michael Jackson auction, we move on to the announcement that company behind Muzak - yes there really is one has announced Chapter 11 after more than 80 years in business, then the discovery that Madonna was last years top earner in the music list from Billboard, we ponder the ethereal world of top level high production touring. next is the Tonehammer Digeridoo sample library and others, then finally it's on to 3D vision and audio with a touch of 5.1 surround thrown in. Remember, joins us for the LIVE recording of next weeks show at 4pm GMT on Wednesday, where you can participate in the live chat room while listening to the full unedited live recording of the show. BTW, you can follow me on Twitter at sonicnick, our headlines are posted there as well as the odd interjection from me. Remember... Join Us Live!
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