FX Bundle Launched

US u-he releseases Uhbik      09/01/09

FX Bundle Launched

u-he has released Uhbik, described as a seductive bundle of high quality audio effect plug-ins. Here's what u-he has to say...
Uhbik currently consists of the following effects
  • Flanger: So you think you don't need another flanger? Try this one anyway. Uhbik-F does both tape-style and stomp-style flanging in extraordinary quality. Chorus on top of that.
  • Phaser: 14, 28 or 42 stages. Really.
  • Tremolo & Pan: If you think that tremolo is only a wobbly gain, Uhbik-T twists your audio around like nuts. Surround trance gate effects included.
  • Frequency Shifter: Not just renowned for cruelty but also applicable in small & smooth doses.
  • Ambience & Reverb: Modelled with the best in mind. This ambience processor provides the depth and the glue for your tracks.
  • Multitap Delay: 5-tap tape-style delay with a clue or two.
  • Equalizer: Transparent. Powerful. Flexible. Fast.
  • Runciter: - an evil filter digital filter uhbik. Enough with emulations! Beyond!
Further effects are currently planned (free update)
Pricing and Availability:
You can buy Uhbik now for only USD 149 instead of USD 199 (+19% VAT in EU) More information:

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