SynthDIY UK Chameleon DSP Synth Alive and Well

US Developer Paul Maddox fills us in      17/07/08

Sorry this is a flash video which has been depreciated, we're working on bringing the archives back online.

5:56 mins

The Chameleon DSP system was first shown at MESSE 2002 where it piqued the interest of several developers who thought it would make an ideal platform for the development of DSP audio instruments and processing software. Sadly the company (Soundart) ceased development of the Chameleon, but due to the open architecture of the system, enthusiastic coders have been able to keep up the development of Soundskins (the name of the virtual machines – synths, effects etc). Paul Maddox is one such guy. He continues to develop Soundskins and is working with others on creating an updated hardware Chameleon to add more DSP power, USB and memory card slots. Nick Batt

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