Festival season is drawing to a close in Europe - certainly the UK and what better way to mark it than by extracting a few choice annecdotes from our panel of guests?
This week we have PJ Tracy of Minneapolis, fresh from vacation, Rich Hilton himself just back from Belgium where he performed at a festival with Chic, Mark Tinley - a man with a long pedigree in studio and touring work and finally Dave Spiers, who as well as being one of the driving forces behind GFORCE Software, spent a great deal of time touring in the 80's and 90's with several mega-acts.
So, we start with the anatomy of an album leak, move on to Earworms - the term used to describe tunes that get stuck in your head, from there we talk about our experiences from festival gigs ending briefly with PJ's close call with the 35W bridge disaster in Minneapolis.
Remember... Do Call Us We’ve set up a Skype account for people to leave comments (which may be played on subsequent episodes) or requests to be considered for a part on the show. You can contact using the Skype handle 'sonictalk' or if you want to use the phone, our number in the US is: