Podcast: Sonic TALK - 048 - Sweaty Trackpad

US Underrated synths, Reason 4? A $10k fantasy      31/05/07

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58:0 mins

A strange coincidence this week that both our Stateside participants are in the middle of studio refurbishment - Rich Hilton is overseeing the refit of Nile Rodgers facility and PJ Tracy has just acquired some new hardware. As for us UK residents, Mark Tinley gives us a sneak preview of his new podcast and GFORCE Software's Dave Spiers keeps us on our toes with news (nearly) of the Minimonsta UB. Much of this weeks show is spent in reminiscence mode, with a healthy chunk devoted to the most underrated synths, Reason 4 beta, the science of quantize, Steinberg's Virtual band plug-ins, $10k to spend on music gear and Nick embarrasses himself with Shannon. Remember... Do Call Us We’ve set up a Skype account for people to leave comments (which may be played on subsequent episodes) or requests to be considered for a part on the show. You can contact using the Skype handle 'sonictalk' or if you want to use the phone, our number in the US is:

US Tel: (312) 376-8089
Intl: 001 312 376-8089

UK: +44 (0)20 7870 8616

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