The 8-Bit Sound Of SID

US Puremagnetik releases SID Library for Ableton Live and EXS      14/02/07

The 8-Bit Sound Of SID

Adding to their rapidly expanding catalog of eclectic and classic sounds, Puremagnetik has released Eight Bit, a comprehensive selection of 1980s SID chip samples.
Recorded directly from an original 6581 SID chip (as manufactured in the Commodore 64 home computer), the Eight Bit library includes a unique palette of basses, leads and pads. Puremagnetik say that they have meticulously captured the sonic qualities of the SID and reprogrammed them into the Ableton Live and EXS environments.
  • Comprehensive Library of 6581 SID Sounds for Ableton & EXS
  • Expressive Macro Control Mapping for Ableton Live 6
  • Standalone "Pure SID" Waveforms
  • Extensive Voice Layering and EFX
  • Over 260 MB of Sounds
Eight Bit for Ableton
Ableton Live 6 users can benefit from Eight Bit's extensive Macro mapping and multi-rack layering of sounds (creating more depth than the original 6581 chip ever could). There are numerous presets for both Ableton Sampler and Ableton Simpler instruments. Puremagnetik have even included a Pure SID section for easy user instrument building. Pure SID contains simple constructions of the raw SID waveforms, without any effects or sample processing.
Eight Bit for EXS
Eight Bit can load directly into EXS or any EXS translatable instrument. Eight Bit has been optimized using the latest keymap and sample construction technology for expressive modulation, realistic sustains and group crossfades within the EXS environment.
Pricing and Availability:
Basic Monthly Subscription: $5.75 per Month
Basic Yearly Subscription: $60 per Year
Premium Subscription: $98 per Year
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