WNAMM06: Another Batch of NAMM Videos

US Line6, Nord, Waves, Analog stuff, Quantum Leap, Korg, Muse Research - we’re cooking on gas      24/01/06

Sorry this is a flash video which has been depreciated, we're working on bringing the archives back online.

WNAMM06: Another Batch of NAMM Videos
All part of a well-balanced diet

You know, when you've spent as much time in a hotel room as us, all you crave is appreciation – we just want to be loved and we know you’re gonna love these latest vids. We’ve been very good up to now, but it’s finally come to the 6 pack and large bags of potato based-snacks. Tomorrow is our last day in Anaheim, we fly back to the UK in the evening. We’ve had a lot of fun and hope that you’ve been able to get a real taste of the NAMM experience. We’ll not be able to finish all the footage before we skedaddle, so more will be forthcoming once we're back home. Check all the latest videos Here
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