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WNAMM06: Latest Show Videos Online
Boss, Edirol, Metasonix, Blue Mics, eJamming and more 23/01/06
Sorry this is a flash video which has been depreciated, we're working on bringing the archives back online.
These boys need a trip to Disney badly
We’re holed up on the 13th floor of our hotel, the laptops are beginning to melt under the strain of constant video processing. All in a good cause though folks, the latest and greatest videos from the biggest show of the year at Anaheims Convention Centre are flowing up the data wire. Because there’s just so much news, we thought we’d give you an update of what you can see. So here it comes, enjoy!
Of course, you can always just click on the Show Videos link over there on the LHS for the latest stuff.
Stay tuned, there's so much more to come.....