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Future-Retro - And The Winner Is...
From Bellaire, Texas 05/09/02
Following on from our in-depth review of the Future-Retro FR777 mono analog synthesiser, we ran a competition in conjunction with Future-Retro with one of the little beauties as a prize. The lucky winner was drawn last week. - Milton from Bellaire, Texas will shortly be receiving his new bundle of joy via courier round about now.
When informed Milton responded with "Wow, is this for real? Too cool!" shortly followed by "Only from Sonic State, the #1 info source for electro-gearheads like me!" - methinks Milton has a future in marketing.
So congratulations Milton, enjoy! And be sure to come back and leave your thoughts on the FR777 user comments
PS - If you feel lucky - why not enter the new Digidesign Mbox competition