The SH-32 Speaks!

US We sneak a feed from the prototype unit      05/11/01

Tucked away in the Roland Groove area, surrounded by pounding kiddy DJs at the Music Live! show, we found the ever hardworking Martyn from Roland UK proudly displaying the brand new SH-32. This was a prototype, with work in progress software but the hardware was in full effect. Martyn tells us that the unit is somewhat reminiscent of the JD8000 and gave us a quick blast of how it sounded. We managed to flip the trusty Sonic DAT into record and grabbed a few bars of filter and FX action.
Listen.... (1.7Mb MP3) For those who don't already know, the unit sports 4-part multi-timbrallity with 32 voices. The SH-32 is expected to ship in January (probably more like the end to coincide with winter NAMM) and will retail somewhere in the region of 400-450 UKP (550+/- US$)
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