Sonic State Studio / Plug-ins /
 Acon Digital Media StudioClean At a Glance  
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arrowReleased: March 22 2005  arrowVersion: 0.00
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Stian Aagedal writes:
Studio Cleanâ„¢ is a DirectX compatible plug-in suite for use in host applications such as audio editing or processing software. It consists of four plug-ins for noise reduction and quality enhancements:

* StudioDenoiser is a plug-in for broadband noise reduction. Because the algorithm takes the perceptual properties of the human hearing into account it achieves a high level of noise reduction with a minimum of artifacts.

* StudioDeclicker contains two different algorithms. The actual click filter eliminates larger clicks and pops in the recording, while the crackle filter eliminates very frequent, but short clicks.

* StudioDeclipper restores recordings that suffer from analog or digital clipping.

* StudioRebirth adds synthesized high frequency harmonics to give life to old and dull sounding recordings.

 Acon Digital Media StudioClean Specifications:

Maximum Resolution:192 kHz @ 32 bits

 StudioClean Links

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