Sonic State Studio / Audio Software /
 Bludgeonsoft Abominaclavia At a Glance  
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arrowReleased: 12/01/02  arrowVersion: 0.00
arrowRated: Not Reviewedarrow Add review:  (0)
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arrowSoftware: Win 95/98, Win NT, Win XP, OSX,
Markus P. Spanglestein writes:
Abominaclavia is a bizarre drum machine-like sequencer that lets you assign digital samples (.wav files) to 128 separate beats (8 loops of 16 beats each) each with its own controls for pitch, volume, and stereo panning. You can randomize all of the parameters, change the loop length by resizing the window, and set the tempo from 0.001 bpm to 50,000 bpm and beyond! The Abominaclavia is made to work with the Wizard Master Control Program, BackToBasics, and the .0303 and will even open WMCP and .0303 save files.

Good Points
A weird audio file sequencer/drum machine. Control pitch, volume, and stero pan.

 Bludgeonsoft Abominaclavia Specifications:

Digital IOs:

Max tracks: unlimited
Maximum Resolution:96k@16bits
Filetypes supported:

 Abominaclavia Links

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