Sonic State Studio / Analog Mixers /
 Fostex 2412 At a Glance  
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arrowReleased: early to mid 90s  arrowVersion: 0.00
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LoneStar writes:
One hell of a desk. Apart from its 24-12-4 approach and dividable, indepedently assignable EQs it features MIDI mute automation, mute snapshots (which also provides click-free muting), sends in the return channels(!), solo for A/B channels, returns, busses and monitor channel, each with group LED indicator additionally, and a talkback mic.

Good Points
- impressive features and flexibility - routing capabilities make patchbays obsolete in many cases - effective, musical EQs - 12 busses - warm to neutral sound quality, low noise (-95dB, four channels @ unity gain routed to master) - meters for busses and master - good mechanical quality
Bad Points
- big, heavy - spare parts not available anymore

 Fostex 2412 Specifications:

Digital IOs:

Analog IOs:
24+24(inline) inputs, A inputs symmetrical
Midi IOs:
Other IOs:
insert + direct out per channel
Busses/Subgroups: 12
Aux sends: 6 sends, 2 of which stereo; 6 aux returns
2-band hi/low and 2-band semi-parametric; each seperately assignable to A/B inputs

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