Sonic State Studio / Plug-ins /
 PSP PSP MixSaturator At a Glance  
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arrowReleased:  arrowVersion: 0.00
arrowRated: 10.0/10arrow User reviews: (1)
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arrowSoftware: Win 95/98, Win XP, Mac, OSX,
arrowHardware: Cubase, Nuendo, WaveLab, Logic and other VST host aplication
arrow Plugin formats: VST. Audio Units. RTAS
Antoni Ozynski writes:
Description: PSP MixSaturator is a specialised processor whose aim is to produce a saturated sound, typical for such analog devices as tape recorders and valve circuits. In the interests of ensuring a wide range of sound possibilities and high sound quality, three algorithms have been used in this plug-in: >>> the analog saturation simulation algorithm, which enables the user to choose one of the seven non-linearity curves characteristic of valve devices, analog tape and digital clipping, >>> the bass frequencies processing algorithm, whose aim is to add warmth to the sound within the bass frequencies range, through adding harmonics and increasing the bass in a recording, >>> the treble frequencies processing algorithm, which gives the user the possibility of simulating tape saturation within the treble frequencies range, without increasing the level of distortion and aliasing.

Good Points
+ Superb price + Does what it says and more + Useful presets + Pro control + Nice interface
Bad Points
VST only

 PSP PSP MixSaturator Specifications:

Digital IOs:

 PSP MixSaturator Links

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