There Are Just Too Many Similarities

Klon Centaur vs Korg Miku   04-May-15

There Are Just Too Many Similarities

Obviously when the Korg Miku stomp box came out, we can be pretty sure that Bill Finnegan the creator of the Klon Centaur was pretty cheesed off with this blantant rip off of the original.

But is there really that much difference in sound quality? Is the Klon really worth the price tag and the hype when you can get a Korg Miku for a touch over a £100...

In this video you get a real head to head shoot out with the Klon and the Miku.

And to our ears it is extremely difficult to hear the difference, there is definitely something a bit more classic sounding about the Klon, but the Miku does a good job of replicating it!

So if you don't have the cash for the Klon then get the Korg...

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