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  SY-99 Workstation At a Glance
Click for larger view arrowReleased: 1991  Specifications
arrowUser rating: 4.6/5 |  Read reviews (29)
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John van der Stap writes:
I heard this one almost immediately after it was released and fell in love with it. It's a real beast, capable of doing so much more.

The sounds are good, but sometimes miss the depth and warmth of, per example, the sounds of a Roland JD-800. The FM-synthesis is easier to use than on a DX-7 but is still a bugger. It's possible to let the FM part modulate a Waveform, thus creating wierd sounds! Because of it's capability of applying different synthesis types, it is a synth which is unique and fun to play with!

The FX-processors are the best available at that time (allright, apart from the Lexicon LXP-15) and are quite easy to use.

It's downward compatibility with older Yamaha synths is one handy feature. SY-77, DX-7, V50, you name it.

Samples can be uploaded through DOS-formatted disks and can have formats such as SDS-0, SDS-1 and TX16W.

The MIDI Data Recorder is an easy master keyboard option is one handy feature as well: one can record MIDI data (sysex) of other synths connected to the SY-99, regardless the manufacturer and store this data on the SY's disk so you can send them at a later time, e.g. during performances.

I'm a prouds owner of this synth, regardless of what the people think of Yamaha. They've put in every effort to make on helluva synth!!

Haldane S. Henry ( : At almost 20Kg, this keyboard is not the easiest thing to carry. However, it is very well constructed and should be able to survive being lugged around. My biggest disappointment with this keyboard is that the sequencer will only record 32 bytes of SYSEX information. I think 32K is more practical. Also the sequencer does not import SYSEX information when reading standard midi files. On the plus side, the sequencer is great and pretty user friendly The display very large and legible making programming and editing quite enjoyable. The keys handle very well also and the sounds are great although some could use a little fattening. The FX section is also quite good and also very programmable. Overall, I think this is a great machine.

Comments About the Sounds:
Clean, some sounds are somewhat thin.

(Thanks to John van der Stap for this info.)
and Pavel Tabares for the pic

Links for the Yamaha SY-99 Workstation
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Professional soundbanks for the Yamaha SY99! SY99 Pro Soundbanks Professionally programmed SY99 banks (8 in all) by Technosis and more!
RCM & FM Synthesis School Learn to program RCM & FM Synthesis
Yamaha SY/TG Forums New forum supporting Yamaha SY/TG Series.
Deep Synthesis Page SY99 editor that makes it a VA+PCM synth, sound examples
Route 66 Studios Replacement floppy drives and manuals
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