Synth Site |  Vermona |  DRM1 MKII

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  DRM1 MKII At a Glance
Picture needed arrowReleased: 2001  Specifications
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Ilja Thomassen writes:
Its build like a tank, fits in a rack, but also on your desktop (slanted backside) has NO patch memory, NO display, knobs do NOT send out midi, NO fancy midi implementation. But what it does have is: 8 true analog drum synths, 3 for kicks, and toms, 2 hihat channels, a multi channel for wierd FX and cowbell like sounds, a snare and a clap channel. A great sounding feature on the clap and snare channel is the (analog) reverb. It has a kind of low-fi sound that greatly adds to the distinct character of this machine. To make up for the lack of patch memory you get a couple of overlay sheets, that you can write your settings on. The manual I got was in german, but I didn't need it at all! The unit is very easy to use, because every individual sound has 8 knobs to change the various parameters relevant for that module. For example the hihats and clap and snare channels have built in filters with resonance. For the kick's you can change the decay, bend and distortion parameters (there are more functions, like FM modulation, just turn those knobs to hear what it does! It doesn't get any simpler than this. The unit listens to midi note-on messages, as wel as the note volume. a negative point could be the strange lay-out of the knobs. For example on the snare and clap channels the filter knob is right next to the resonance knob. But on the hihat channels the filter knob is located on the far left, followed by 2 other knobs that have nothing to do with filtering, and then you get the resonance knob. Pretty strange, wonder what the logic behind that is.... Oh wel, it adds to the unique character of this machine.

Comments About the Sounds:
It's a true analog drum machine. No sampled hi-hats, claps or snares! This gives the machine a very different sound. It sounds... wel... like analog electronics.

(Thanks to Ilja Thomassen for this info.)

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