Synth Site |  Kawai |  K1 Synthesizer

  K1 Synthesizer At a Glance
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Anonymous writes:
The K1 has two module siblings - the K1m, which is a table top module, and the K1r, the more traditional rackmount. Plenty of Sounds.

Comments About the Sounds:
A mixed bag. Some excellent pads and strings are available, but so are an awful lot of cheesy sounds.

Links for the Kawai K1 Synthesizer
 More Synth Gear  Best US prices on many current models
The Kawai room at History and technical information about Kawai instruments. Killer Technosis patches for your K1/K1m/K1r
The Patch King The Best Sounds @ The Best Prices. Thousands of new sounds for over 100 Synths and Samplers. Check us out!
Rec'Up A lot of public domain banks and organized libraries (thousands of sorted out and classified sounds) you can download for free. You'll find too totally new and unpublished banks.
ManyMIDI Products - Kawai K1 sounds The most highly-organized, professional sound libraries available, with a money-back guarantee!
Kawai K1m information photos, recordings, links re: K1m.
Deep Synthesis Page mp3 sound examples, Info, link to demos and manuals
Kawai K1 Synth sounds The K1 is one of Kawai's most economic digital synthesizers in the K-series that is very pleasing in acoustic recreation, great synth sounds or at times, completely noisy walls of complex sound. Listen to its recorded sounds without external effects.
Kawai K group yahoo group for Kawai K1, K4 and XD-5.

Try the Kawai links page for more..

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