Synth Site |  Yamaha |  DX-11/v2 Synthesizer

  DX-11/v2 Synthesizer At a Glance
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schaapje writes:

Jim Pendergraft :
I bought mine used several years ago and I really like it. It is almost the same engine as the TX81Z module, so it is a 4-op FM synth, not 6-op like the DX7 and similar machines. Therefore it isn't quite as flexible, but it does have a greater choice of waveforms, including noise, which the DX7 didn't have. It can do some nice E Pianos (as you'd expect) and excellent bass sounds. It isn't much at acoustic emulations of course, but that's what sample players are for. All in all, a great little synth, if you want something that

sounds like a synth.

Comments About the Sounds:
extremely easy-to-program fm-synth

(Thanks to schaapje for this info.)

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