Synth Site |  Boss |  DR-660 drum machine

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  DR-660 drum machine At a Glance
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Greenie writes:
An excellent drum machine for the price. You can get them a lot cheaper than list if you shop around. It's got built-in reverb/delay and chorus/flange, responsive velocity- and aftertouch- sensitive pads, and powerful capabilities for editing sounds, including decay and pitch shift. Also has slap bass and synth bass sounds (useful for sketch work - too cheesy to use for a finished piece). My opinion? Cool! Even with as many features as it has, it's very easy to use. The reverb is pretty good, the delay isn't bad; the chorus and flange could use a little work but aren't bad. The samples are pretty useable, and you can create totally new sounds by tweaking the preset samples. A phat box

Comments About the Sounds:
A wide variety of sounds, including reverse samples, ambience, TR-808 and 909 samples (no full set of the 909 though - poo!)

(Thanks to Greenie for this info.)

Links for the Boss DR-660 drum machine
 More Synth Gear  Best US prices on many current models
JSynthLib- free Librarian / Editor supports DR660 and other synths
DEXTRYNA - uses DR 660 in making tachno music :)
one of SLAVE's band sites "Slave To Dr. Rhythm" is an artist who uses only the DR-660. This is link is a band he's featured in- Satan's Florescent Drum Machine
The Gentlemen's Club Punk band from SF that uses the DR-660 the militants : state-of-the-art in heavy metal music.crushy,fast,aggressive. manual for Dr. Rhythm D-660

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