Synth Site |  Alesis |  QS8.1

  QS8.1 At a Glance
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Ian McIntosh writes:
AWESOME!!!! Best in its class by FAR. The Yamaha s80 is harder to navigate, w/ less accurate organ, and synth sounds. Korg N1 sounds tinny compared to this. XV 88 is better, but $1000 more too.

Comments About the Sounds:
Incredible, nothing like the QS8. It gives a more accurate depiction, with better filters.

(Thanks to Ian McIntosh for this info.)
and Anurak Lee for the pic

Links for the Alesis QS8.1
 More Synth Gear  Best US prices on many current models
ATom2 The main keyboard in my songs is the 8.1. I love this keyboard.
8 pin MIDI serial cable
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