NAMM 2014: Ibanez RG9 New 9 String Guitar (Video)

One of the flattest neck profiles we've ever seen - and it needs to be   28-Jan-14

    MP4 5:24 mins    

You may have noticed from our product reviews and video demos that us guys at Sonic State are not 9-string guitarists, we're not even 8-string or 7-string guitarists. Hell, we're still trying to get our heads around six strings.

But The Ibanez 9-string guitar drummed up sufficient interest at NAMM that we thought we should go and check it out, if only to appease you guys!

So that's just what we did, we swing by the Ibanez booth at NAMM 2014 and had a look for ourselves, and the most striking thing about the guitar is how WIDE that neck is.

It looks terrifying.

But another striking piece of spec is the neck profile, which is as flat as a pancake after it's been dropped on the floor and run over by a two ton steamroller driven by a portly gentlemen who has just eaten his own weight in hamburgers.

Check it out for yourself in the video above.

Written by Richard Beech.
Filmed by Rob Hicks, Presented by Richard Beech.

Amped Editor



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